A barber is someone who specializes in cutting and styling hair, along with providing services like shaving, hair oil massage, etc. It is very important to have a steady hand and eye to be a barber. Barbering is a great job for people who enjoy a relaxed work schedule and like dealing with people.
Barbering is an age-old profession that has never lost its relevance. Right from neighborhood barbershops to big salons, the beauty and hair industry plays a dominant role in everyone’s life! Traditionally, barbering was limited to men but recently, we have seen many women barbers take the forefront.

What is the eligibility to apply for a Barber course in NYC?
Anybody, over the age of 18 can apply to a barber school. However, completing a course in barbering is not enough to become a barber. In order to become a barber, one must complete an apprenticeship program in barbering and then apply for a license. There is an exam that you are required to pass to be a licensed barber.
There are many barber schools that you can opt for. After finishing barber school, you are also required to apprentice under a licensed barber. Different states have different requirements in America. In New York City, you must finish two years as a barber apprentice under a licensed barber. It is only after the two year period that you can apply for the license.
Growth Prospects of a Barber
Barbering as a professional has always been relevant. However, if we see the last few decades, we will find that the demand for beauty services has increased tremendously with an increase in population. If we talk about the growth prospects of a barber, statistics reveal that the rate of employment for barbers is expected to grow by 13 percent between the years 2016 and 2026. This is faster than the average for any other profession.
How much money can you make as a Barber?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary of a barber is $29900 a year, while the hourly salary can range between $8.760 to $22.790. This is only an average figure. Salaries may vary depending on a barber’s experience.
For example, a new barber will probably only make a little over $18000 a year, whereas, someone with a good amount of experience and a loyal clientele can make up to $47000 a year! Barbering is a lot about networking and making and keeping your clients. It is important to nurture good working relationships with your customers so that they keep coming back to you.
How to become a certified Barber?
In order to obtain your license, you must take the state barber exam conducted by the Department of State: Division of Licensing Services, or the national barber exam conducted by the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology. Both these examinations consist of a written test and a practical test. The written test is based on the theory of barbering while a practical test is conducted to test a candidate’s barbering skills.
Are there any free Barbering courses?
There are several free barbering courses that you can take before you get yourself a license.
The SUNY Bronx Educational Opportunity Center offers a free barbering course. You must be at least 18 years old to apply to the course. You also need to clear the TABE test and have a high school degree or equivalent. The course promises to get you your barber license in 5 months.
The Barber & Beauty Institute of New York also offers a barbering course. While the tuition fees for the course is $7500, the school offers some amount of financial aid to at least 83% of the students.
Good Shepherd Services also offers a free 12-week barber training program for people between the ages of 17 to 24. They also offer job placement at the end of the course.